Raising money for your local hospital
Over 6 million pounds raised, and rising thanks to you!
Epsom Medical Equipment Fund (EMEF) formed in 1979 (as Epsom Endoscopy Fund, later renamed) has raised over £6 million to purchase items for Epsom General Hospital (EGH), ranging from a £230,000 CT scanner to a £17 specially shaped pillow.
Helped by a small band of volunteers, the Fund was, and still is run by local woman, Bess Harding MBE, pictured above with HRH Princess Alexandra, who visited Epsom General Hospital to open the new Urology Unit. HRH was interested in hearing how Bess got her MBE. Click here to view our brochure.

Donate to EMEF
The fantastic staff at Epsom General Hospital have been under an unprecedented amount of pressure over the past few years, particularly during Covid. Our sole aim is to assist our medical professionals with the purchase of equipment that make their day-to-day working life more time and labour effective.
Epsom General Hospital sees on average 59,389 individual patients a year through A&E, 221,083 outpatients, 38,939 through the Medical Assessment Unit, Day Care and on the wards. To do this we need vital and other life-saving medical equipment which with your help we can provide.
There are numerous items that the Trust at Epsom are unable to buy (perhaps due to budget constraints or unavailable through the NHS) and that's where we step in. You can help us by donating.
Success Stories
Thanks to your generous contributions we have been able to continue our programme of buying much needed items of equipment to help our medical professionals at Epsom General Hospital. Everything we purchase makes a difference to people's lives. We couldn't do it without you all.
General X-Ray machine replaced at a cost of £71,000 expected to perform 15,000 examinations per year.